Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Today was a good day.

So far on this particular Tuesday I have:
  • worked at MCV;
  • written an article that made my editor laugh out loud while reading it, which given it was a gentle dig at Jake from from Channel 9's low-rating 'Dancing on Ice' is a good thing;
  • been to see an excellent play at the Malthouse;
  • eaten some equally excellent fish and chips;
  • drunk three glasses of absinthe;
  • been enraged by leaders of the so-called ex-gay movement;
  • read blogs;
  • started re-reading Cocaine Blues, the first Phryne Fisher novel by annoyingly-prolific author Kerry Greenwood;
  • listened to the new Magnolia Electric Co. cd;
  • and poured myself another glass of absinthe.
Sadly I missed trivia at the EBC tonight, but there's always next week.

Tomorrow I intend to see more theatre, some burlesque (including a certain Ms Fits' housemate) and possibly another film. I will also be meeting one of my latest blog readers, and catching up with an ex-date who has become a good friend.

Life, despite being a sexually transmitted terminal disease, is quite, as they say, grand.

Chin-chin, everyone!


Bonnie Conquest said...

Cute! Happy!

(and I like your new self-description, yes.)

Cade said...

Sounds like you have the best life ever, well yours and bonnie's.
How do I fill my life with dried chillies, movies, art, absinth etc?

richardwatts said...

In the words of the great Dr Frank N Furter, Jay, you must "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure."

It takes a bit of practise, but goddamn it's fun once you work it all out!